Wednesday, March 12, 2025

10 Things I Quit to Transform My Life

by Susmit Laha

It all started with quitting the habits, people, and mindsets that were holding me back. If you’re ready to stop wasting your life and start living your dreams, here are the 10 things I quit to create the life I have today.

1. Quit Spending Time with Energy Vampires

Not everyone in your life is there to lift you up. Some people only show up when they need something—money, favors, or someone to vent to. These are energy vampires, and they drain your focus, positivity, and ambition.

I used to have people in my life who only reached out when they needed help. They were never there to celebrate my wins or support me during tough times. One day, I realized: This isn’t friendship.

Here’s the lesson: Surround yourself with people who want more for you, not more from you. Conduct a “friend inventory.” If someone isn’t adding value to your life or supporting your dreams, it’s time to let them go.  When you say no to toxic relationships, you create space for people who will propel you forward, inspire and uplift you.

2. Quit Taking Advice from the Wrong People

At the gym, people often try to give me workout advice. But here’s the thing: If I follow their advice, will I end up looking like them—or like my trainer, who looks like Superman?

Not all advice is created equal. If you want to achieve something extraordinary, you can’t take advice from someone who’s never done it.

Here’s the lesson: Seek advice from people who’ve achieved what you want. Success leaves clues. Find people who’ve walked the path you’re on and learn from their experiences.

3. Quit Blaming Others for Your Situation

It’s easy to blame others when things go wrong. But blaming others only makes you feel powerless. When you take responsibility, you take control.

I used to blame traffic for being late, clients for losing deals, and circumstances for my failures. But I realized that blaming others was just an excuse to avoid accountability.

Here’s the lesson: Take full responsibility for your life. You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond. When you stop blaming, you take back your power.

4. Quit Saying Yes to Everything

Early in my career, I said yes to every opportunity. I was afraid of missing out. But saying yes to everything meant I couldn’t give my best to anything.

Steve Jobs once said, “Focus is about saying no.” Think of your responsibilities like items in a backpack. If you keep adding more, it becomes too heavy to carry.

I learned that focus is about saying no. 

Here’s the lesson: Say no to anything that doesn’t align with your goals. Focus on one thing and go all in.

5. Quit Being a Prisoner to Your Phone

Your phone is a tool, but it can also be a trap. Endless scrolling, notifications, and social media can steal your focus and productivity.

I’ve seen people waste hours scrolling through their phones, putting off important tasks. The problem? They don’t have a clear plan or vision for their life.

Here’s the lesson: Turn off notifications and set boundaries with your phone. Your attention is your most valuable asset. If you’re addicted to your phone, it’s because your life isn’t exciting enough. Create a vision that pulls you forward.

6. Quit Just Reading Books—Start Studying Them

I used to speed-read books just to check them off my list. But I realized the real value isn’t in the information—it’s in the application.

Now, when I read something actionable, I take immediate action. Even better, I teach it to others. Teaching forces me to truly understand and apply what I’ve learned.

Here’s the lesson: Don’t just consume knowledge—execute it. Focus on “just in time” learning. Only read books or take courses that solve a problem you’re facing right now.

7. Quit Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparison is the thief of joy. I used to compare myself to people my age, people in my city, and people who were more successful. All it did was make me feel inadequate.

Then I realized: The only person I’m competing with is me from yesterday.

Here’s the lesson: Focus on getting 1% better every day. Over time, that compounds into massive growth. Comparing your chapter 2 to someone else’s chapter 50 is a waste of energy. Be yourself—it’s your greatest advantage.

8. Quit Procrastinating on Your Dreams

Dreams don’t work unless you do. I used to put off my goals, waiting for the “perfect” time. But the perfect time never comes.

Here’s the lesson: Start today. Take one small step toward your goal. Progress compounds over time. Don’t wait for motivation—create momentum.

9. Quit Living Without a Plan

If you don’t have a plan for your life, someone else will. I used to drift through life, reacting to whatever came my way. But I realized that success requires intention.

Here’s the lesson: Create a clear vision for your life. Write down your goals and break them into actionable steps. A plan gives you direction and purpose.

10. Quit Letting Fear Control You

Fear is a natural part of growth. But if you let it control you, it will keep you stuck.

I used to be afraid of failure, rejection, and judgment. But I realized that fear is just a sign that you’re stepping outside your comfort zone.

Here’s the lesson: Feel the fear and do it anyway. Every time you face your fears, you become stronger and more confident.

Final Thoughts

Success isn’t about doing more—it’s about doing less of what doesn’t matter. By quitting these 10 things, I transformed my life. And you can too.

If you’re ready to stop wasting your life and start living your dreams, take these steps today. Remember: Today’s energy shapes tomorrow’s reality. Protect your energy, focus on what matters, and watch your life transform.

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